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[ About Me! ]

Well then Mr, Tell us about yourself?!

Well, erm... My Christian name is DG Ward, Im 18 and I live in New Zealand and Im currently studying the BIT at Otago Polytechnic. BIT stands for Bachelor of Information Technology (Clever abbreviation, eh? BIT? ;) Get it? Bwahahaha). Im a major lover of Music and Art and uuhh... I love people with a good sense of humor. Im generally outgoing, eccentric and I usually speak my mind.

Im also a coffee snarfing nicotine addict, with a penchant for staying up horrendously late programming, reading or theorizing!.

Ugh, What else? My favourite color is Black and my passions lay in Technology(in general), Space and Religion(In general).

If youre ever around Otago Polytechnic, I can usually be found raiding the Whanau Room for Coffee and generally talking like a Madman. I can be contacted through MSN (comeherenightmare@hotmail.com), Yahoo! (kyretzn), ICQ (194724690) and email (kyretzn@gmail.com)

Why write an OS?

Well, Its something incredibly interesting to do. By writing an Operating System, you get to learn all about all the little intricate limitations of computer hardware that are usually hidden from the User and Programmer today. Also, Im getting sick of Windows and UNIX Derivatives and generally, I just thought it would be cool to write a decent, niche Microkernel. Also, I figure - If I write an Operating System and learn all about the processes that go on behind the scenes, the limitations and overhead, I will be able to become a better programmer by working around them with greater knowledge on other Operating Systems.

Things I love or am slightly good at:

- Ice skating.
- Programming (Primarily C/C++ and Assembly, but I can be found programming in other languages[once in a blue, blue moon!])
- Playing my Guitar (Trust me, I dont make Music, I slaughter it.)
- Coffee (Who doesnt?)
- 1930s / Noir fashion.
- MUSIC!!!! (Tool, A Perfect Circle, Blindspott, Shihad, Korn, American Headcharge, Fear Factory, Coldplay, Radiohead)

What motivates me?

a) The possbility of making something interesting and cool.
b) Knowledge! I like to learn about cool things!
c) My dream, that one day I will fly in Space.
d) My other dream, that one day Ill be so rich I can pay Bill Gates to kiss my shoes.
e) Competition (sometimes), I hate it when people think Im wrong, or a moron - so ill usually work hard to prove them wrong.
[ And so I figure all conflict on Earth drops down to 'Im right, Your wrong!' on a psychological level... ]
f) My imagination.

Am a Member of:

- KAOS (Killing is an Organized Sport)
.... hmm, thats about it :P


Dressed in US Navy Uniform
Gothic modification of the above...
My late Pet Kitty, Izrael.

Hosting provided by ASM Hackers.net

Optimal Resolution:
1280x1024 32bpp.

muK-based OSes:
Mac OS X